Activity Aim – Design a paper plane:

      • for the longest flight time
      • to travel the furthest distance

As we increase our knowledge of key concepts related to flight by designing, hypothesising, testing, and experimenting, we increase our understanding of factors in play.

From our data analysis, we optimised our paper plane designs and linked this understanding to why airline companies continue to improve their aircraft designs.

We reflected on school subjects and specialisations that aerospace engineers would consider to be great at the projects they work on.


It’s been an ohm’s start to Term 2!

Welcome back to a jam-packed Term 2 where our selected Years 7&8 attend the Ngā Kaihangarau mō āpōpō: (Engineers of Tomorrow) programme at Papakura High School every Wednesday.  The Kahui Ako ki Papakura students have had the privilege of meeting and working with various engineers from different fields thus far. Our EHS students are making the most of this wonderful opportunity by engaging fully in the first two sessions.

Session I was facilitated by MOTAT personnel. The students were challenged to re-create or modify the display Wheelcart model. The Wheelcart is key in problem-solving for rescue missions.


Session II was facilitated by a University of Auckland team consisting of a lecturer, PhD student, and representatives from Women in Engineering. Also in attendance were STEM Liaisons from MoE and an AUT engineering student. Thanks to a STEM provider – Little Engineering, for such an engaging & lively practical session about Electrical Engineering this week. I encourage you to ask our students about their STEM experience by checking their blogs.

Room 11 Homework

At Room 11, we aim to spend about 20 minutes each evening on the Curriculum Areas we cover in the school day.  So an hour of homework is expected for each student this term.

Should we stay away due to being unwell or for other significant family reasons, we shall endeavour to navigate our electronically allocated learning tasks.  These are found on our class site.  We are encouraged to be accountable for our learning, so self-directed learning tasks are also available via a range of platforms under different tabs.

Some of our Student Blogs are up and running so remember to check out our learning journey.

We welcome your comments that will uplift our mana and encourage us to persevere in all that we attempt.


Thank you KPMG for awarding the Karearea Scholarships to our 2023 Top Year 8 Achievers

Last Wednesday, we were treated to a large cohort of KMPG employees who accompanied their Executive Chair Mathew Pritchard at our Scholarships Assembly in the morning, and the KPMG Giftgiving in the afternoon.  We value your presence and your service – a gift in itself.  Thank you again, Mathew, Christine, and the team at KPMG for your leadership in this space.

Blessings for a prosperous New Year